"Jakaranda no hana"
"Jakaranda no hana"
The unconscious or subconscious is an extremely important region of the mind as it occupies most of it. It is wide, vast and enigmatic. This unconscious world is revealed through some of our behaviors, in our lapses, and in dreams.
I have been collecting bizarre dreams for years. Every so often I wake up one morning and the first thing I do is laugh at what just happened in my unconscious.
In this series I simply painted, in the most faithful way possible, the image that I have in my memory of what I dreamed of. In this way, I leave the interpretation to the viewer, who will understand each work according to their personal experiences, giving my paintings a great variety of meanings, or none at all.

This series is a Mash-up of modern and avant-garde painters, whose works I "remix" and combine in my own way, forming a series of four works that summarize my vision and my reinterpretation of the history of modern art.
My unconscious decision of combining flowers and women in these works says a lot about me as a feminist woman. It speaks of the flourishing of women within the male-dominated society in which we have lived for centuries. The word flourish comes from the Latin "florescere", which is etymologically composed of the noun "flower" and the suffix "escere" which means inchoative action, transformation or development.
